Commander Keen 6: Aliens Ate My Baby Sitter!

Use the arrows to move, the Control key to jump normally, the ALT key to jump with Pogo and the Space key to shoot, press Control to enter any of the worlds. To save or load a game, return to the main menu using ESC. To play the game without disqualifications, press the B, A and T keys together to get keys, disqualifications, and bullets for weapons.

Game Details

Keen returns for another adventure and this time he sets out to rescue his babysitter who has been kidnapped by aliens, when he must save her in time before she becomes their dinner. The player can move left and right and can jump, and can use a pogo stick to bounce continuously and jump higher than they can normally with the correct timing. The levels are composed of platforms on which Keen can stand, viewed from slightly above. Some platforms allow Keen to jump up through them from below, while others feature fireman’s poles that Keen can climb up or down. Keen can also grab onto the edge of platforms and pull himself up. There are giant switches which must be jumped up into or dropped onto to flip which have effects on the gameworld, such as retracting and extending gates or initiate moving platforms. Once entered, the only way to exit a level is to reach the end, though the player can save their game at any point. Between levels, the player travels on a two-dimensional map, viewed from above; from the map the player can enter levels by approaching the entrance or save their progress in the game. Some levels are optional to enter and may be bypassed, while portions of the map are gated off until specific levels are completed.

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